The 10th episode of RIO’s “How To” series, is presented by RIO ambassador Russ Miller. In this episode, Russ shows numerous ways to fish a streamer while wading along the bank of a river; each different from the rest, and when applied to a day on the river, will give you the maximum chance of catching a fish. Russ’s tips and great information takes the mystery out of this increasingly popular style of river fishing.
Friday Fly By Al Ritt
Fly Fusion fly-tying editor Al Ritt demonstrates how to tie the Adams, a classic pattern that deserves a place on the top row of any dry-fly box.
- Hook: Daiichi 1100 sz 20 through 8
- Wings: Grizzly Hen Hackle Tips
- Tail: Mixed Brown and Grizzly Dry Hackle Fibers
- Body: Muskrat or Gray Superfine Dubbing
- Hackle: Mixed Brown and Grizzly Dry Hackle Fibers
A Closer Look at Fishpond
Filmed last fall in the beautiful Colorado mountains, the Heartbeat of Fishpond is a soulful film highlighting the company’s passion for conservation and thoughtful vision behind each product. It’s definitely worth watching.
RIO’s Tips on Fishing Big Bugs from a Drift Boat
Check out Episode 9 from RIO’s “How To” series. In this instalment, RIO ambassador Rob Parkins explains how to fish a large terrestrial from a drift boat.
Fly Fusion Series: In Good Hands
In this episode Fly Fusion Magazine editor, Derek Bird, along with associate editor, Jim McLennan, explore sections of British Columbia’s Cariboo River in their Water Master rafts. Though the river is a high volume stream, there are sections where rock outcrops provide a break in the flow, creating a trout sanctuary. Because of the fast flowing nature of the river, the wild rainbows are strong and readily take nymphs and dries. Subscribe to Fly Fusion Magazine and follow us on Instagram!
Fly Fusion Series: Escape To Solitude
Of all of the many special moments we encountered, while filming season 2 of the Fly Fusion Series, this quote from Northern Lights Lodge owner, Skeed Borkowski, was the moment that had the most significant impact on us and we have been eager to share it with you.
“One of the most beautiful things about our area is that we don’t have cell coverage… I pray that in 100 years there will still be a place like this where you can escape. Someplace where midway through your back cast, or double hall, your phone doesn’t ring.” ~ Skeed Borkowski, Northern Lights Lodge
Fly Fusion Series: Every River Has a Story
As the Quesnel River runs through the Cariboo region of British Columbia, it’s comparable to Jekyll and Hyde. The river that leaves the lake is slow and meandering – it’s a forgiving stream. If a fly angler misplaces a fly while casting from the drift boat, there’s time to pick up and hit the water again. After a few miles, the river transforms into a powerful and erosive agent moving quickly through the sparsely inhabited region. In this episode Fly Fusion Magazine Editor, Derek Bird along with Associate Editor Jim McLennan, have to adjust their angling tactics in order to successfully fool the strong resident rainbows. Subscribe to Fly Fusion Magazine and follow us on Instagram!
Fly Fusion Series: Balance
The Blackwater River in British Columbia’s Cariboo region features a unique strain of rainbow famous for their aggressive feeding behavior. In this episode Fly Fusion Magazine editor, Derek Bird along with field editor April Vokey, travel deep into the Cariboo backcountry in hopes they’ll be successful in presenting dries to eager trout. Subscribe to Fly Fusion Magazine and follow us on Instagram!
Fly Fusion Series: Connections
In this episode Fly Fusion Magazine Editor, Derek Bird along with Associate Editor Jim McLennan fish the creek and river mouths that run into one of North America’s largest fjord lakes. The sockeye cycle draws them there, but they’re not fishing for the salmon that have traveled over 500 miles to spawn in the glacial streams feeding the lake. They’re there to take advantage of the wild rainbow trout that rely on the spawning salmon as a food source. Subscribe to Fly Fusion Magazine and follow us on Instagram!
RIO’s New “Behind the Brand” Video
Check out this great new video from our friends over at RIO.