The Balm of Adventure | Allen Crater

It’s mid-July, hotter than hell, and the AC in the truck is out. My two sons and I are cruising a Montana highway with the windows down and the music up. Kyle came here in 2018 for college and Blake moved in with him at the start of summer. It’s been awfully quiet in the house without them and even more so since our German shorthair of nearly 14-years crossed the rainbow bridge last week.

 Hazy heart

A heavy blueish-grey haze has hung over me for the last month, much like the valley we now travel through. Missing the boys. Knowing a small tin of ashes that used to be my faithful dog is waiting for me back home. Feeling my age and the eerie emptiness of a quiet house.

“Remember when time was cheap?” Gene Hill wrote. “The songs we sang about it told us that we had time on our hands, that time stood still, that tomorrow would be time enough. And now we find it was not.”


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Grasshoppers and Gladwell | Derek Bird

I want to tell you about my favorite trout from this past summer, but I face a conundrum. I’m certain I remember the day in vivid detail, but more and more over the last few years psychologists and podcasters remind me that memories are unreliable. Are memories really unreliable? The most memorable podcast I’ve listened to on the unreliability of memory was a Malcom Gladwell podcast titled “Free Brian Williams”. And since then, I’ve had to tune out a number of experts discussing the unreliability of memories.

What should I do? Should I forge ahead with the retelling of my favorite fish memory from the summer or should I simply realize that my memories are similar to the meat versus filler ratio of a McDonald’s chicken nugget (45% percent meat, 55 percent “other ingredients” for the wondering mind). Did I even catch fish this past summer? I’m so confused. In spite of Gladwell, I’ll give it a try anyway.

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Editor’s Choice Holiday Gift Guide

Looking for the perfect gift for the fly fishing enthusiast in your life?  Each year our Editorial Staff spends a season on the water with a plethora of new gear.  Following are some of our top picks.  Check back all this week for more top gear…then stop by your local fly shop to pick up the latest issue of Fly Fusion to read how all this gear performed after a summer of relentless testing!

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Oh, the Places You’ll Go…Fly Fishing

By Derek Bird
Outwaiting a fish has never been a problem for me. Patience of this variety is not a superhero’s quality, but if it were, I’d be fighting crime rather than writing about fishing. So when I first stumbled upon Dr. Seuss’ book Oh, the Places You’ll Go! as a university student on a late-night outing to Barnes & Noble, I couldn’t understand why he portrayed “waiting for the fish to bite” with all the other negative aspects of waiting, like “waiting for a train to go / or a bus to come.”

Waiting to go fishing, on the other hand, requires an entirely different kind of patience, which admittedly I don’t possess. I realized this when my good friend Chris and I took off in a floatplane one stormy Friday, embarking on a summer weekend trip we’d been planning for months. The pilot wasn’t optimistic about reaching the destination, but he did everything he could to get us to the lake as scheduled by flying low through the valleys under the heavy cloud cover. He navigated us within about 15 minutes of our destination before we ran into a wall of impassible cloud. Shortly after the midair U-turn, the pilot came over the headsets and said, “Sorry guys. We can try again in the morning.”

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All New App Live Today!

We are excited to announce that Fly Fusion Magazine has a brand-spanking new App available on the App Store and Google Play!  Now you can all your favourite Fly Fusion articles right in your pocket for reading while you are on the go!  The winter issue (and all 2024 issues) are live now for your convenience.  Check back often to snap up all the back issues too!


Winter Issue is out NOW!

The new issue of Fly Fusion is out NOW! Dive in to fuel your passion and don’t forget to share with a fishing buddy who needs a bit of the same.

Fishing the Marker Fly by Gary Borger
Master the art of fishing during heavy hatches! Learn to spot rises, pick the perfect flies, and target trophy fish near the bank. With expert casting techniques like the ‘C’ Pickup and Elliptical Stroke, you’ll fish smarter and tangle less.

On (and After) the Take by Jim McLennan
Hone your skills in ethical catch-and-release fishing. From barbless hook techniques to no-touch releases, ensure your catch swims away strong. Bonus: Tips for stress-free underwater photos!

A Norwegian Fly-Fishing Family Adventure by Teddy Cosco
Set your sights on Norway’s Gaula River! This family journey weaves adventure and connection with a shared passion for fly fishing, culminating in epic salmon catches.

Editor’s Choice: Time-Tested Reviews
Explore Fly Fusion’s 2024 top picks for rods, reels, and waders. Our team has tested it all—gear that’s durable, innovative, and eco-friendly. Upgrade your fishing game today!

…and much more!

Worldwide IF4 Virtual Event

HURRY! This is your last chance to purchase tickets for the 2024 Virtual International Fly Fishing Film Festival! Watch anywhere you like with as many friends and family as you like for less the cost of a single ticket! Ticket are only $15 and are available now through December 31st.   Once you purchase, you will have access for a full 7 days!

OR! Subscribe to Fly Fusion Streaming for $4.95 per month (or $49.95/annually) and watch every season of IF4, plus Fly Fusion TV, The Buffet Series and hundreds of other fishy films!

AND! When you subscribe to Fly Fusion Streaming you can pick up your one year subscription to Fly Fusion Magazine for the discounted rate of ONLY $25! Order now and we will send you the next published issue. What could be better than 2 hours of fly fishing adventures followed by a full year of the best stories and images on the planet?!?

As always, there will be draws for prizes following each virtual screening AND one lucky ticket holder will be the recipient of our year-end GRAND PRIZE!



Echo Expands B Rod Line

Echo Fly Fishing has expanded their successful Eight Four – B rod line designed with big ambush predators in mind and the accuracy to deliver even bigger wind-resistant flies to where these fish live. Adding a 9wt and 10wt rod to the Eight Four lineup rounds out the rods offered to cover all situations anglers could run into while targeting big fish.

The Eight Four – B has become the benchmark for an affordable, accurate rod that combines power and action for all types of fishing from pounding banks with a streamer, to throwing giant baitfish patterns off the deck of a boat. Utilizing a perfectly progressive taper, light tip, and a shorter rod length makes the 84-B a champion at accurate casts over a variety of distances, fly sizes, and wind conditions while the shorter length rod gives you easier line pickup, better accuracy, better castability in wind and best of all, the spritely feel makes it fun to cast all day.

“It didn’t take long for us to realize that a rod that is less than 9 feet has distinct advantages when it comes to fishing for bass or any species of fish that require accuracy, short cycle times between pick up and the next delivery cast, and leverage to drive a cast and move a fish once it is hooked. The rod length that worked best in our tests was 8’4”, explains Echo’s Tim Rajeff.

● 9wt 8’4” Echo 84B – 984
● 10wt 8’4” Echo 84B – 1084

About Echo Fly Fishing
Echo is a small group of passionate, personable, like-minded fly-fisher folk based in Vancouver, Washington. For over 20 years, Echo has been leaning on the fly-fishing pedigree of rod designer Tim Rajeff. Tim is a world champion fly caster and fly-fishing industry stalwart with a passion for creating high-quality performance fly rods. More details about Echo, Rajeff Sports and the Eight Four line can be found at

The Backyard Fly Shop

Fall has arrived in the Rockies and with it cooler mornings. Around this time of year, BWOs and October Caddis become more active on our favourite local streams, which makes for rewarding days on the water. Watching cutthroat rise to blue winged olives and caddis never gets old. Cool fall mornings also bring with them the reminder that winter is just around the bend. Late October into early November is when the first snow lands in our backyard. It is this time of year when we begin to think about prepping gear for the winter haul; that time of year, for many of us, where watching fly-fishing films on the silver screen is as close as we can get to feeding our need to be on the water. 

For those of us without a garage storing gear can be a little tricky. Fly-fishing gear tends to find a winter home in the same vicinity as the lawnmower, work benches and other more utility items. Don’t get me wrong, fly fishing gear holds a place of honour among the winter storage mess. But the rafts, waders and boots are all stored in the same place as, well, fuel containers, shovels, tools and the rest. It never quite sits right with me that our families fly-fishing gear is hanging above or sitting beside the “junk” that accumulates.

Now, we don’t do reviews that are unrelated to outdoor pursuits, and for obvious reasons we tend to recommend items that we think will make your time on the water a little more successful. This review isn’t that. Instead it focuses on a product that Fly Fusion now uses to create a fly-fishing specific storage space. Easy access to everything needed on those rare warm winter days. No fuel, no table saws, no spare side-by-side tires; just our favourite brand decals along with fly-fishing equipment neatly stored and ready for use. 

This is the storage equivalent of a “man-cave” or “she-shed” inspired by nature and repurposed for fly-fishing. The Keter shed collection’s technology offers a beautiful true-to-life wood look that complements the outdoors and blends in seamlessly with your own backyard setting. From spacious sheds to deck boxes, these shed solutions are made from a durable, weather-resistant resin. They handle being exposed to water, sun and salt, and will not crack, rot, rust or peel like traditional wooden storage solutions in the same style.

Fly Fusion spent the summer testing the capacity and monitoring the weathering of the Keter Signature Collection 11 x 7  shed and deck box, the latter used for deflated rafts and wading boot storage. The size was ideal and the colour of the material stood the test of the summer weather. We enjoyed turning the inside into an area tailored to fly-fish gear storage, were impressed by it’s durability and love that Keter, the manufacturer of the shed, is committed to sustainability, using 100% recyclable material. For insight into the products, when not in use, we stored in the shed – this year’s time-tested gear – pick up a copy of the upcoming winter issue of Fly Fusion. Better yet, if you haven’t already, subscribe and we’ll pop it in your mailbox. Here’s to the remaining weeks of this fly-fishing season and to creative storage ideas that we can convert into our own little fly shops in the back yard. Be sure to visit your local fly shop often to keep your new space full of the latest gear. For additional information on Keter or to purchase your very own backyard fly shop, visit them online:

We wanted to let you know that a small increase in our subscription prices is coming soon—the first in five years. To help you prepare for this change, we are offering our lowest prices ever throughout the month of September. This is the perfect time to renew your subscription or start a new one to lock in this exceptional rate before prices go up. Plus, if you choose the Auto Renew option, we’ll include a free Airflo Leader as a special bonus. Don’t wait—this limited-time offer won’t last, and once it’s over, these prices will be gone for good!