Journey to the Andes with a group of friends trying to catch the spirt of a soul lost to the river. Visit IF4 Online today to watch Native Waters, a Stimmies Awards Top-10 finalist and vote for your top film today!
A Gift for Dad!
Looking for a great way to beat the heat this summer? Snap up a new subscription and we will send you a Free fishy Wingo Can Cooler along with some bonus issues of your favourite Mag!

Consumer Choice Awards
Let’s find out what the angling public really thinks are the best fly-fishing products on the market today. Fly Fusion has been working with Angling Trade and the Fly Fishing Show to set up the “Consumer Choice Awards,” which comprises the largest number of products from the largest pool of manufacturers. It’s still a subjective exercise… everyone has an opinion. But that’s exactly the point—we’re hoping to get a different cross section of responses, and instead of industry insiders, or media, we want as many everyday anglers (people who actually buy stuff) to chime in and vote.
The voting is now officially open.
Go HERE to cast your lots in a full range of product categories, from rods and reels to waders and accessories.
Most important, we hope you will share this with your customers… your readers… your followers… anyone who fly fishes is welcome.
We will of course keep you updated as the tallies come in.

Thursday Night Live
Thursday Night Live Fly Tying started four years ago, when Fly Fishing Bow River Outfitters wanted to combine their love of craft beer and fly tying into a single event. Since it is impossible for everyone to attend in person the event evolved into a live weekly streaming production – free, relaxed and welcome to all! Why can’t every day be Thursday?
Thanks to Tim Hepworth and Dana Lattery for sending us a few of their favourite patterns from season 4. You can check out the recipes for the Foam is Home Stone, Complex Twist Bugger, Chubby Chernobyl and Foamulator in the all new Summer issue. Here are a couple bonus patterns to try in the mean-time! Check out more Thursday Night Live Fly Tying HERE!

No Pebble Devil’s Canyon Wading Boot
Korkers Teams Up with Trout Unlimited to Advance Permanent Protections for Bristol Bay, Alaska Korkers has designed a limited edition pair of Devil’s Canyon fishing boots with Trout Unlimited to raise awareness and support the permanent protections for Bristol Bay. A portion of profit will be donated to Trout Unlimited’s efforts to raise awareness among anglers around the threat to world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery.
For the last two decades, anglers have been part of the hardfought effort to stop the formerly proposed Pebble mine. The proposed open pit copper and gold mine was slated for the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska, home to the world largest sockeye salmon fishery and a crown jewel in the sportfishing and hunting industry.
In 2020, the key federal permit for the proposed mine was denied to the Pebble Limited Partnership as the proposal failed to meet Clean Water Act standards and was “contrary to public interest.” Now local fishing business owners, tribes and commercial fishermen are calling for permanent protections for the region to ensure Pebble- or another mining company- can’t come back in the future.
The national fly fishing industry as well as outdoor industry leaders, companies have stood behind local sportfishing leaders in Bristol Bay during the fight against Pebble and now in the effort to advance permanent safeguards for the fishery and the industries who depend on it.
Each pair of Special Edition Devil’s Canyon boots will feature:
● Vibram Sole Configuration
● Bristol Bay Informational Insert
● Free 1-Year TU Membership
● No Pebble Sticker
● No Pebble Koozie

Echo LIFT | Rod Review by Raymond Poff
Bitterroot, Clark Fork, and Blackfoot – Hearing these Montana river names may elicit vivid memories of fishing experiences or re-ignite future dreams on a bucket list. These amazing fisheries are home to several species from the trout family, Salmonidae, such as: rainbow, Westslope cutthroat, cutbow (naturally occurring hybrid), brown, brook, bull, and the mountain whitefish (it really is part of the trout family)*. During a trip to Missoula last September, I spent four days giving the ECHO LIFT fly rod a workout on these three rivers. Here’s my take.

One Water | Costa
Costa Films presents “One Water” — a film exploring the reality that we are all connected by water, regardless of where we live. This makes us all equally responsible for protecting the water. Costa Pros Hilary Hutcheson, Oliver White and Brandon Cyr share their unique perspectives on this shared resource and responsibility, as well as how we can all help. Start Small. Start Local. Just Start.
For the first time ever, Fly Fusion and IF4 have partnered with Trout Unlimited via the National Chapter to offer the film “TUrnaround” as a bonus feature for all 2022 Screenings of The International Fly Fishing Film Festival. This is a story of how “a group of men and women of varying ages banded together and brought an organization back”! This group is now proving positive that TU Chapters can lead strongly into the 21st century with passionate anglers focused on the important work of local conservation and community service.
Buffet Series Season 2 | Salmonfly Buffet
Salmonflies are GIANT bugs, 3-4″ in length, and they live out the majority of their lives as nymphs on the river bottom. However, each year when conditions are just right the crawl out of the water and hatch along the banks of many Western rivers here in the US. This is a hatch that both anglers and fish anticipate all year long! These bugs are big enough to turn the head of every fish in the river. We experienced some of the best dry fly fishing imaginable, and we are excited to share it with you.
Magic May Mayfly | Peter Butler
Moose mane tail
Red Polish Quill body with Gulff Thinman UV resin
Whitlocks SLF sowbug tan dubbing ball to help the wings stand up
Mandarin Duck wings
Pearl Semperfli Semperflash
Dubbing loop with Whiting’s gray Brahma hen and wood duck dyed CDC
Semperfli 12/0 brown nano silk
Partridge size 12 Ideal Dry Fly Hook
Tied on a Renzetti Master Vise