Building on the success of fly fishing’s Stimmie Awards, Fly Fusion Magazine has introduced a new awards program aimed at the international fly-tying community.
The all-new Stimmies On the Fly awards program will recognize top emerging fly tiers, amateur and professionals alike. We want to see the best of the best in fly tying on video. Top submissions should feature an innovative pattern, technique and/or material presented in a creative video format with a mind towards educating the viewer.
The top 10 fly-tying videos will be selected by an internal committee and then be open to voting from the angling and fly tying community. The creator of the winning fly tying video will take home “bragging rights,” $1,000 and a feature story in Fly Fusion Magazine.
So, hop on over to flyfilmfest.com/stimmies to enter. Entries will be accepted until October 14. Good Luck!
Photo: @wilderphoto