Airflo and Terracycle Recycle Program


Partnership Offers Consumers an Easy Way to Recycle Otherwise Unrecyclable Fly Fishing and Fishing Lines and Spools

Montrose, CO and Trenton, NJ, 11/11/22 – Airflo, a leader in making fly lines, leaders and tippet is partnering with TerraCycle, an innovative recycling company specializing in hard-to-recycle materials to announce the upcoming Airflo Free Fly Line Recycling Program. Beginning in early 2023, Airflo will invite consumers to drop-off any brand of otherwise unrecyclable plastic based fly fishing and fishing lines and spools at any participating independent retailer for free recycling.  Read More

Costa Donates to Hurricane Ian Disaster Relief Fund

Costa Sunglasses donates $50,000 to Captains for Clean Water for Hurricane Ian Disaster Relief Fund

Funds will go directly to providing supplies and operational support to the ongoing relief and recovery efforts, including support for the local fishing community

JUPITER, Fla. (Nov. 8, 2022) – Born on the water and committed to protecting the watery world it calls home, Costa Sunglasses continues supporting Hurricane Ian relief efforts with a $50,000 donation to its longtime conservation partner Captains for Clean Water. The full donation will go towards the organization’s Emergency Disaster Relief Fund to help those impacted by Hurricane Ian get back on their feet.

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Fuerte | Pop Fizz Productions

“Fly fishing” and “the west coast of Colombia” don’t go hand-and-hand. There’s a jungle, 4 transportation shifts, and an unrelenting coast of jagged waves. Good thing the crew at PopFizz Productions wouldn’t have it any other way. Join the guys as they go deep into the wild and come out with a story worth telling.

Watch Fuerte on YouTube NOW!


Allen Outside Holiday Gift Guide

With a respectable 80 days remaining in the Christmas shopping window, many of us are now on the hunt for some meaningful gifts that will bring a smile to the faces of our loved ones.  Well, look no further!  Our friends over at Allen Outside have assembled a stellar Holiday Gift Guide featuring outdoorsy supplies to fill our your list.  We recommend adding a treat for yourself too…you deserve it!

Check it out today!

…and don’t miss Allen’s story Five Loaves & Two Fish in the Fall Issue of Fly Fusion!

photo © Scientific Anglers

Living and Writing the Outdoor Life Workshop

Do you have a story to tell but you haven’t gotten around to putting pen to paper? Maybe you just want to brush up on your skills before submitting your next piece to be published?  Well, here’s at great opportunity to collaborate with fellow writers and learn from one of the best…

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Craigies Killer Bug

A highly effective pattern tied by Juan Diaz of @bully_flies!  Fill your box up for your next trip…

Hook: Hanak Competition H300 bl

Bead: Fly Life Co. orange 1 1/8 Tungsten Bead

Tail: Pheasant Tail


.025 Wire

Virtual Nymph Skin

Black Thread

Semperfli Nano Silk – White

Textreme Power Thread – White

Gulff Fly Fishing Thinman

Gulff Fly Fishing

Ambulance Orange Sharpie

Collar: Peacock Herl

Stimmies Awards – On the Fly


Building on the success of fly fishing’s Stimmie Awards, Fly Fusion Magazine has introduced a new awards program aimed at the international fly-tying community.

The all-new Stimmies On the Fly awards program will recognize top emerging fly tiers, amateur and professionals alike. We want to see the best of the best in fly tying on video. Top submissions should feature an innovative pattern, technique and/or material presented in a creative video format with a mind towards educating the viewer.

The top 10 fly-tying videos will be selected by an internal committee and then be open to voting from the angling and fly tying community. The creator of the winning fly tying video will take home “bragging rights,” $1,000 and a feature story in Fly Fusion Magazine.

So, hop on over to to enter.  Entries will be accepted until October 14.  Good Luck!

Photo: @wilderphoto

Fishing small flies to big trout, with Derek Bird

In case you have not yet had the pleasure, the Faceless Fly Fishing & Upland Podcast is a must-listen! Darcy Toner and Timbre Pringle, discuss all things Fly Fishing, Dogs and Upland Hunting with their weekly guest. They have been taking photos and fly fishing together for well over a decade and run Faceless Fly Fishing Media, home for their outdoor photography. Their enthusiasm for fishing is matched by their commitment to protecting the outdoors.

This week, they have interviewed our Founding Editor, Derek Bird. Derek shares some of his favorite patterns, techniques, and tips – like how to see the fly better and get a better chance at hooking up when you can barely see that teeny tiny fly. There’s also some good banter while discussing the premise of his new fly fishing novel.

Tune in now!

Who Gives a Carp | Dave Blair

The American Carp Society is the USA’s foremost resource for Carp Anglers and was founded in 2002 by lifelong anglers, Sean Manning & Wayne Boon, as a formal organization for like-minded individuals who have a passion for Carp and it’s future well-being as a sportfish in the USA. It provides a community for both education and benefit to its members by teaching responsible stewardship and management of the species and of our public waters, as well as dispelling the misinformation commonly associated with Carp.

The American Carp Society offers membership options for both ‘Fly’ and Traditional ‘Euro Style’ Anglers. By becoming a member, you are supporting The American Carp Society’s goal of raising both the awareness and the attributes of this hard-fighting freshwater fish to other Anglers and members of the public. You are also joining the largest community of Carp Anglers in the USA that all share the same passion. Both ‘Fly’ and ‘Traditional’ membership has many benefits including a generous welcome package of merchandise that is sent to you each year.

The article, Who Gives a Carp? was featured in the most recent issue of Fly Fishers International, Fly fisher Magazine! Read the full article below or check out the full issue HERE

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So fly podcast

The So Fly Crew sat with author and Fly Fusion Founding Editor, Derek Bird to discuss his fly fishing life, and his recent book “Last Summer on the Sage”.

Listen HERE

Watch HERE

So Fly is a fly fishing podcast based out of Toronto, ON whose goal is to connect the Ontario fly fishing community more with each episode – available on the 1st and 15th of each month!  With 126 episodes in the bag, you’ll find hours of interviews to keep your fishy itch scratched.  Take a peek HERE