Flytyers are a clever and innovative group of people. We often make do with what we have in order to simplify or enhance our techniques. Occasionally, a new material or tool comes out to either fill a gap or improve on some work around. As part of my tying editorial, I plan on showcasing some of these innovations and share with you my thoughts on them. The first product in this series is from the good folks at Smhaen. This Danish company best known for their high-quality bobbin holders and scissors, has come out with a tool that will make you ditch your mini hair clips. The Smhaen Material Guard is a purpose made clip that holds material back and out of the way while working on the head of a fly. What makes this tool better than the mini hair clip work around is that it holds the hair equally tight no matter the size of the fly. The clip’s arms are completely round and remain round as it clamps down on the material, keeping an equal tension all the way around the fly. It is also incredibly easy to get on and off without disturbing the hair. Last but not least, the handle on the tool is offset from the clamp itself, allowing for a greater amount of room towards the front of the fly. I found this very useful on smaller flies such as a PMX or balance pine leech. This is a huge bonus feature over the hair clips that have a large wide grip right over the clamp. Overall, I really like the tool and it will have a permanent spot on my bench.
Reviewed by: Frank Brassard