
Landon Mayer on Shoot Mending

A basic mend involves moving the rod tip in a half-circle motion that positions fly line upstream of the leader, flies, or indicator. This removes the tension applied by the moving current and helps you improve the depth and control of your presentation. The downside of the basic mend is how long it takes to perform, and the water-disturbing and fish-disturbing movement it imparts to the fly.

When I was younger, I not only spent as much time on the water as I could, but I read every fly-fishing book on the shelf over and over again. I also watched instructional videos. Doug Swisher, who presented his Mastery Series of videos with Scientific Anglers, is one of my teaching idols. In his video on selective trout, he demonstrates the stack mend for use with sinking flies. It’s performed by throwing a mini-cast with a “micro-second wrist” toward the flies or indicator. This places slack line out near the fly where it is most beneficial. Several stack mends are made in quick succession, which allow the fly to sink quickly and drift naturally.

Years ago I started using the same method with a sideways approach to replace the standard mend. I call it “shoot mending.” I make the same micro-second-wrist cast with the tip of the rod moving forward only one foot. I then lift the rod up two to three feet to allow clearance for the line. Then, by quickly making one or two mends while the line is in the process of shooting, I get a mend that’s already in place when the line lands on the water. It’s also a very effective technique for shooting mends through wind and over chop in still waters without taking the indicator or dry fly away from the target.

Svend Diesel Bonus Flies

Erik Svendsen started tying flies a few years ago and has enjoyed it so much it’s become a lifelong hobby. As a stress relief from his day job, he loves to try new patterns, materials, and techniques. He is a busy father of three young children and owns his own company; he tries to fish every chance he gets but usually finds himself at the vise almost every night. He is known for his fun approach to fly tying on social media and loves to teach people any chance he can get. @svenddiesel

Check out all of Svend Diesel’s Fall patterns, as seen in the Fall 2020 issue of Fly Fusion…

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The Secret River | Gary Borger

My first encounter with the secret river occurred in the summer of 1956, just after my twelfth birthday. It was early

morning, and I had walked to a new  section of the large trout stream near home. It was a long walk, but I was an initiate fly fisher, and I set out in eager anticipation of using my newfound skills to finally conquer the big browns that I knew inhabited the stream.


I was slogging along in the shallows at the edge of a long riffle, headed for a big, downstream corner pool. My oversized hip boots (“He’ll grow into them”) slipped and slid on the rocks, and I moved slowly, afraid of twisting an ankle. Suddenly, right there in front of me, was a truly big brown trout. We saw each other in the same instant, and the fish’s reaction was as startled as mine. It blasted out of the inches-deep water into the heavy flow of midstream, as I cast furiously after it. I later understood that it had been in the shallows hunting Isonychia mayfly nymphs that were hatching at that time of year.


Advance 30 years, and my wife, Nancy, and I were fishing near Twizel on New Zealand’s South Island. The evening was mild beneath a deepening blue sky, and the fish were rising. Nancy fished a long riffle and was into fish immediately. I headed up to the long pool above. Standing at stream edge and scanning the quiet, dark surface,  noticed a big nose poke out about 40 feet upstream, close to shore. It was an easy cast. No trees behind, and none overhanging the water. The 4-weight line settled quietly to the surface. But that was the end of quiet. The water erupted as several big fish tore out of the shallows in panic. Foolishly I had not thought that other fish could be in the secret river.

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Subscribe for FREE Fall Issue!

The Fall issue is landing in mailboxes as we speak!

This issue features a plethora of heart-pumping adventures from every corner of the globe! Visit chunky rainbows and browns in the crystal clear waters of Argentina, massive tarpon on the Turneffe Atoll, sacred steelhead in Northern BC, Pacific Salmon and Arctic waters!

…And when you subscribe or renew today we will send you the Fall issue FREE!

Wader Makers

Some of the best waders in the world are made by anglers in Bozeman, Montana. They stem from innovative design, cutting-edge materials, and tenacious testing. They’re also the end result of a painstaking process implemented by skilled workers who pledge allegiance to it every day. From a blank roll of GORE-TEX fabric, the same hands that double-haul sink tips and stroke drift boat oars cut, sew, and tape every wader that bears their mark. Each stitch is sweated for perfection. Every cut is made with fluid motion in mind. And confidence abounds at every step of the process. For over 30 years, this process has connected anglers around the world with their best days on the water.

Buffet Series – Seeking Permit

The Holy Grail species among fly anglers! Follow Phil Tuttle on his (long) journey to land a permit on the fly!

Join Gilbert and friends “Seeking Permit” in Episode 5 of the Buffet Series!

…and don’t forget to enter the giveaway! Full details can be found HERE.

2023 Stimmies Fly Fishing Film Awards – Angler’s Choice Vote

Welcome to The Stimmies Angler’s Choice Vote!  Presented by Fly Fusion Magazine, The Stimmies recognizes top fly-fishing filmmakers from around the globe! These Angler’s Choice finalists have been selected by our Stimmies judge panel. Now it’s your turn to have a say in who wins!  Click on each imagee to watch the films and make your vote for top freshwater and saltwater film of 2023! Your vote will also qualify YOU for weekly draws for fly fishing swag.

Freshwater Category:

Emergence | Connor Harris
The Feather Mechanic | The Craft
Fishing for What Matters | Dorsal Outdoors
The Fly Fishing Cult | Pure Films
OARS | Hatchee Productions
Life with Koda; First Fishing Trip | Pavel Francev
The Pursuit | Fly Craft Films
Still 2 | Wait4it Films
The Wicked | Deeper Pixels Media
Winter Blues | Josh Swim

Saltwater Category: 

Baja Boys | Fly Craft Films
The Quest for Mondogazunga | Phelps on the Fly
Saltwater Smackdown | Alvin Dededaux

Voting closes August 10 @ midnight!

Buffet Series – Finding Water

As anticipation for the Spring increases, so too does the unpredictability of weather, ice-off and run-off. Finding open water running clear, offer a challenge for the eager angler. But, if we make the effort to get outside, even when conditions aren’t just right, we might just find more than fishable water on our springtime adventures!

Join Gilbert and friends “Finding Water” in Episode 4 of the Buffet Series!

…and don’t forget to enter the giveaway! Full details can be found HERE.

Buffet Series – Fishing in Narnia

Winter can be a magical time to be outside! For the Capture Crew, this year was the biggest snow pack year of their lives Episode 3 of the Buffet Series is simple and beautiful, with plenty of great fishing action. From rainbows that loved crushing streamers, to midge sipping brown trout. We hope you enjoy!

…and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!  Full details can be found HERE.