Ok, we admit it – our Tie Craft desk gets quite a few more miles than that of a tying desk. When Drew sent us this beauty, everyone in the office was fighting over it for their daily work space. Ultimately, it has been claimed by Kaylee…who is clearly “kind of a big deal”.
Not only is Drew’s craftsmanship stunning (seriously, the man is an artist!), it is so incredibly functional. As a tying station, there is organizational space days. This particular live-edge desk is a whopping 3’ x 5’,ensuring there is no shortage of desk-top space to spread out materials. Every desk is one-of-a-kind, embracing every knot, and unique detail of the wood that is carefully selected for the piece.
There are several models of desks and stations available and if you don’t see the one you have been dreaming of, just reach out to Drew and he will bring your vision to reality. And, don’t worry about shipping, ours arrived without a nick after travelling all the way through customs and up to our corner of the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia!
These desks will make for an especially personal gift that will last a lifetime! Visit Tie Craft online to choose your model today!