

Born from a simple idea in the back of a fly shop, Fly Fusion has grown from a single issue of a magazine into a fly-fishing media and entertainment house dedicated to creating community and curating the finest fly-fishing writing, photography, and filmmaking in the world. Built on breathtaking imagery, world-class stories, and peerless instruction, Fly Fusion is more than a magazine. It’s more than a television series. And it’s more than a film festival.

It is the SOUL of fly fishing.


Who we are editorially: Fly Fusion speaks to a North American audience, with a focus on trout. We cover other species of fish to scratch the travel itch and to reduce pressure on… trout. We are unapologetically trout-centric and care deeply about the places in which all fish reside.

Anecdotes: Avoid writing strictly narrative articles. Anecdotes within an article are welcome. The function of anecdotes is to provide a stimulating framework for communicating or “weaving in” the instructional context of the article.

The article should be at least 2,500 words, but not exceed 3,000 words and should be accompanied by at least 20 publishable photos. When fly patterns are referenced in an article please include the corresponding recipes and photos of the flies. Please provide any special requests for photo credits at the time of submission. If none are provided the author’s name will be used.

Brand References: Avoid advertising in an article. When referring to brand names and fly-fishing services, please ensure that they work within the context of the sentence or paragraph. All brand, guide, service or lodging references deemed unsuitable will be removed from the article prior to publishing.


Photo essays are an opportunity to provide readers with a visual escape. Photos should tell the story in its entirety, including the details, and include an element of community. They must be stunning.

Items required with submission:

  • A short story, comprised of approximately 600 words.
  • Selection of 35 or more photos that pertain to the content of the editorial.
  • Photo credit information. If none are 
provided author’s name will be used.


Fly Fusion adheres to the Associated Press Stylebook (AP Style)

A complete article submission includes the completed article, title, subheading line, and images. The article should be submitted in a current version of Microsoft Word.

Please use gender-neutral language. Ex. ‘fly angler’ instead of ‘fly fisherman’

Unfortunately, Canadian spelling is somewhat nonstandard in that it includes both American and British conventions. For words where confusion commonly arises, this magazine uses

  • “re” not “er” (ex. theatre rather than theater)
  • ”our” not “or” (ex. colour rather than color)
  • “z” not “s” (ex. magazine rather than magasine)
  • “gue” not “g” (ex. catalogue rather than catalog)
  • When using words that do not fall under these categories, remain consistent throughout your article.

Font style: Calibri
Font size: 11 pt
Line spacing: 1.5
Single space after all punctuation. This includes end punctuation and colons.
Avoid the use of page numbers, headers, or footers
Avoid the use of mixed fonts and font sizes


Payment is made Net 30 of publication. Compensation varies based on the completeness of the submission package and photos as outlined above. We purchase first-time North American serial rights for print and digital, including for use in promotional efforts.


To submit your article package, please send your query to:

Jennifer Bird | Publisher