Magazine staff tested the Chironomid stillwater boat by Cunningham Boats and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. An angler would go a long way to find another single-person stillwater craft that moves as easily and fast or is more maneuverable. The hull is an extremely lightweight (30 lbs) Kevlar canoe design, with pontoon fixtures to provide stability. It’s propelled by lightweight oars, not paddles. The Chironomid is an appealing hybrid, providing the speed of a rowing scull, the tracking of a trimaran and the fishing stability of a wide-bottomed boat. FF staff found it easy to stand up in and cast, and spent an enjoyable day in the boat catching large rainbows on stripped leeches. Perhaps most impressive is the ease with which the boat can be disassembled and placed on the roof of a car or truck. Weighing less than a Florida-bound traveler’s suitcase, it’s an extremely manageable one-person boat. The stillwater angler who enjoys getting out on the water in a personal watercraft, who wants the freedom to stand up or sit down while casting, and who wants to move quickly and effortlessly from one shoal to another, needs to check out the Chironomid. click here